3. 3D Printing G-code Generator – Snapmaker
4. Laser G-code Generator – Snapmaker
5. CNC G-code Generator – Snapmaker
4.1 Laser Engraving Workflow
Create a project
Project settings
Import an object
Draw an object (alternative)
Edit the object
Create a toolpath
Generate the G-code file
Preview the G-code file
Export the G-code file
Start laser engraving or cutting
4.2 Supported File Formats
Luban supports the following file formats:
- Custom Files (*.svg, *.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.dxf) – default
- JPEG format (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
- PNG format (*.png)
- BMP format (*.bmp)
- SVG format (*.svg)
- DXF format (*.dxf)
4.3 Get Started
To create a laser engraving project, follow these steps:
1. Create a project.
- Option 1: Enter the Home window, and go to the Get Started pane.
Option 2: Enter the Home window, and go to the menu bar.
2. Select 3-axis or 4-axis.
3. Job Setup
Job Setup allows you to set the Work Size and where the Work Origin will be.
- 3-axis: Set the Work Size (Width and Height of the material) and the position of the Work Origin.
- 4-axis: Set the Work Size (Length and Diameter of the material) and the position of the Work Origin.
4.4 Main Toolbar
4.4.1 Home
Click to enter the Home window.
4.4.2 Workspace
Click to enter the Workspace window.
4.4.3 Save
Click to save the current project.
4.4.4 Undo
Click to reverse the last action.
4.4.5 Redo
Click to reverse the last Undo.
4.4.6 Job Setup
Set the work size and where the work origin will be.
4.4.7 Top
Click to move the selected object to the top layer.
4.4.8 Bottom
Click to move the selected object to the bottom layer.
4.4.9 Camera Capture
Capture images of the work platform as a background where you can place the object for laser engraving or cutting.
4.5 Edit
4.5.1 Import Projects
To import projects to Luban, do one of the following:
- Enter the Home window, and click Open Project, and select a local project.
- On the menu bar, click File > Open Project, and select a local project.
- On the menu bar, click File > Case Library, and select a built-in project.
- On your computer, double-click to run the local project.
4.5.2 Import Objects
To import objects to Luban, do one of the following:
- On the toolbar, click
and select an object.
- On the menu bar, click File > Import, and select an object.
- Drag and drop an object to Luban.
4.5.3 Draw Shapes
To draw vector shapes, including rectangles, ellipses, and circles for laser engraving or cutting, follow these steps:
1. On the toolbar, click or
to select a shape.
2. On the canvas, click the first point wherever you want the shape placed, draw the shape as you like, and then release it.
4.5.4 Edit Graphics
To select a processing mode for graphics, select the graphics, and click a mode on the configuration bar.
- B&W
Converts the graphics into black and white.
- Greyscale
Converts the graphics into grey monochrome, composed exclusively of shades of grey. Each pixel in greyscale carries an amount of light, ranging from 0 as the weakest amount of light, or dark, to 255 as the strongest amount of light, or white.
- Vector
Converts the graphics into vector graphics, composed of paths.
- Halftone
Converts the graphics into a halftone effect, composed of dots varying either in size or spacing.
Here is a table showing the available processing modes of different file formats.
All built-in objects in Luban will be processed in the Vector mode.
B&W Parameters
- Show Original Image
Shows the original image.
- Invert
Inverts the color of images, white becomes black, and black becomes white.
- Threshold
Set the proportion of the black pixels. Colors above this value will be rendered in white.
Greyscale Parameters
- Show Original Image
Shows the original image.
- Invert
Inverts the color of images, white becomes black, and black becomes white.
- Contrast
Set the disparity between darkness and brightness. The bigger the value is, the more obvious the contrast will be.
- Brightness
Set the brightness of the image. The bigger the value is, the brighter the image will be.
- White Clip
Set the threshold to turn the color that is not pure white into pure white. Zero is taken to be black, and 255 is taken to be white. Colors above this value will be rendered into pure white.
- Algorithm
Select an algorithm for image processing. The eight algorithms are listed as below:- Floyd-Steinburg
- Jarvis-Judice-Ninke
- Stucki
- Atkinson
- Burkes
- Sierra-2
- Sierra-3
- Sierra Lite
Vector Parameters
- Show Original Image
Shows the original image.
- Invert
Inverts the color of vector graphics, white becomes black, and black becomes white.
- Threshold
Colors above this value will be rendered in white.
- Impurity Size
Set the minimum size of impurities allowed to be shown.
Halftone Parameters
- Show Original Image
Shows the original image.
- Type
- Line
Dots are arranged into lines.
- Line
- Round
Dots are arranged into rounds.
- Round
- Diamond
Dots are arranged into diamonds.
- Diamond
- Size
Set the size of dots.
- Angle
Set the rotation angle of the halftone image through the arrange of dots.
- Threshold
Set the proportion of the black pixels. Colors above this value will be rendered in white.
4.5.5 Add Text
To add text for laser engraving or cutting, follow these steps:
1. On the toolbar, click to add text.
2. Select the text box, and enter the content on the configuration bar where you can also adjust the font and font size.
- Text
Enter the content you want to laser engrave or cut.
- Font
Select the font of the text.
- Font Size
Select the font size of the text.
4.5.6 Transformation
To adjust the properties of the object, do one of the following:
- Drag the object
- Move
Click and hold the object, move it to the target position , and then release it.
- Move
- Scale
Click the object, hold any of the eight circles to resize the object, and then release it.
- Scale
- Rotate
Click the object, hold the top circle to rotate the object, and then release it.
- Rotate
- Mirror
Click the object, hold any of the eight circles to rotate the object until the circle crosses the diagonal point or opposite point, and then release it.
- Mirror
- Use the configuration bar
- Move
Enter the value to change the position of the object.
- Move
- Size
Enter the value to change the size of the object.
- Size
- Rotate
Enter the value to change the angle of the object.
- Rotate
- Flip
Clickto flip the object horizontally. Click
to flip the object vertically.
- Flip
4.6 Process
4.6.1 Create Toolpaths
To create and configure toolpaths, follow these steps:
1. Select one or more object(s).
2. Click Create Toolpath.
3. Set parameters of the toolpath on the pop-up Toolpath Settings window, and click Save.
If you select multiple objects, only objects of the same graphic type (vector or raster) can generate a single toolpath.
4.6.2 Toolpath Parameters
Enter the toolpath name.
Select the method to process the object. Different processing modes have certain restrictions on their processing method.
- If the Processing Mode is Vector, or you add vector text:
- On the Path
Draws the outline that consists of smooth straight lines, instead of dots.
- On the Path
- Fill
Draws the outline and fills the inner area of the object with lines.
- Fill
- Movement Mode
Set whether the object is filled with lines or dots. In this case, the outline of vector objects can only be filled with lines.
- Movement Mode
- Fill Interval
Set the degree to which an area is filled with laser lines or dots. The minimal interval is 0.05 mm.
- Fill Interval
- If the Processing Mode is B&W, Greyscale, or Halftone:
- Fill
Fills the raster object with lines or dots, without drawing its outline.
- Fill
- Movement Mode
Set whether the object is filled with lines or dots. Filling with dots has the best engraving result, but it will take a longer time. Though filling with lines will be faster, the engraving effect will not be as good as dot filling.
- Movement Mode
- Line Direction
Appears only when the Movement Mode is set as Line. Engraves the path in the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.
- Line Direction
- Fill Interval
Set the degree to which an area is filled with laser lines or dots. The minimal interval is 0.05 mm.
- Fill Interval
- Jog Speed
Set the speed at which the toolhead moves when it is not engraving or cutting.
- Work Speed
Set the speed at which the toolhead moves on the material when it is engraving or cutting.
- Dwell Time
Appears only when the Movement Mode is Dot. Set how long the laser spot stays on when it is engraving a dot.
Appears only when the Processing Mode is Vector, or you add vector text.
- Number of Passes
Set how many times the laser will trace the same path in a G-code file. A value between 1 and 5 is recommended.
- Z Step per Pass
Set the amount at which the Laser Module is lowered with each pass. This setting is useful only when the machine engraves a multi-pass toolpath. The recommended value for the product of Number of Passes and Z Step per Pass is less than 5 mm.
Set the laser power to engrave or cut the object.
4.6.3 Configure Toolpaths
To configure a toolpath, do one of the following:
- On the Toolpath List, double-click a toolpath. On the pop-up Toolpath Settings window, modify the values, and click Save.
- On the Toolpath List, select a toolpath. On the General Parameters panel, modify the values.
- On the Toolpath List, select a toolpath. On the General Parameters panel, click More, modify the values on the pop-up Toolpath Settings window, and click Save.
After a toolpath is created, you cannot delete the object. Otherwise, its toolpath created will be deleted together.
4.6.4 Delete Toolpaths
To delete a toolpath, select the toolpath on the Toolpath List and click .
4.6.5 Sort Toolpaths
When a project has multiple toolpaths, you can set the processing sequence of all toolpaths if needed. The machine will process the toolpaths in the sequence that they are displayed from top to bottom on the Toolpath List. To adjust the processing sequence, select a toolpath, and click or
4.6.6 Show or Hide Toolpaths
To show or hide a toolpath, click or
on the Toolpath List.
- Visible toolpaths will appear in the Preview view and be generated to a G-code.
- Hidden toolpaths will not appear in the Preview view nor be generated to a G-code.
4.6.7 Preview
Click Generate G-code and Preview to generate the G-code file and preview the toolpath.
- Zoom in or out to inspect the details or panorama of the toolpath.
- The selected toolpath will be rendered in blue in the Preview view.
- On the Toolpath List, click
to preview the toolpath selectively.
4.7 Engrave
4.7.1 Generate G-code Files
To generate G-code files, click Generate G-code and Preview. Hidden toolpaths will not be generated to a G-code file.
4.7.2 Export G-code Files
To export G-code files, do one of the following:
- Click Export > Load G-code to Workspace to load the file to Workspace. Set the work origin and start laser engraving via Luban or Touchscreen.
If you use Camera Capture to add a background, you don’t need to set the work origin in Luban.
- Click Export > Export G-code to File to save the file to the USB flash drive. Set the work origin and start laser engraving via Touchscreen.
4.7.3 Start Engraving via Luban
To start laser engraving or cutting via Luban, follow these steps:
1. On the Laser G-code Generator, click Export > Load G-code to Workspace on the configuration bar.
2. On Workspace, go to the Connection panel. Click Serial Port or Wi-Fi, select the serial port or machine model in the drop-down list, and click Connect.
For detailed instructions on connection, see 6.1 Connection.
3. On Workspace, set the work origin on the configuration bar.
4. On Workspace, click on the top-left corner to start laser engraving or cutting.
If you connect Luban to the laser engraver via USB cable, keep the cable connected until the engraving job is completed. Otherwise, the job will be stopped.
4.7.4 Start Engraving via Touchscreen
To start laser engraving or cutting via Touchscreen, do one of the following:
Option 1
1. On the Laser G-code Generator, click Export > Load G-code to Workspace on the configuration bar.
2. On Workspace, go to the Connection panel. Click Wi-Fi, select your machine model on the drop-down list, and click Connect.
For detailed instructions on connection, see 6.1 Connection.
3. On Workspace, click Send to Device via Wi-Fi to transfer the G-code file to Touchscreen.
4. On Touchscreen, tap Disconnect > Start > Local to find the G-code file. Set the work origin and start laser engraving or cutting.
Option 2
1. On the Laser G-code Generator, click Export > Export G-code to File on the configuration bar.
2. Save the G-code file to the USB flash drive.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into the Controller of the machine.
4. On Touchscreen, tap Disconnect > Start > USB to find the G-code file. Set the work origin and start laser engraving or cutting.
4.8 Camera Capture
Before using Camera Capture Snapmaker 2.0 machines, you should connect Luban to the machine, and calibrate the camera using the Touchscreen.
For how to calibrate the camera, tap Settings > Laser > Camera Calibration on Touchscreen.
4.8.1 Add Background
To add a background on the platform to place the object, follow these steps:
1. On the Laser G-code Generator, go to the main toolbar and click Camera Capture > Add Background.
2. On the pop-up Camera Capture window, click Start to capture nine images of the Laser Engraving and Cutting Platform.
3. If the captured images are perfectly stitched, click Confirm and go to step 5.
If not, click Calibrate and go to step 4.
4. Zoom in the image, and align the four corners of the blue quadrilateral with the engraved square until they are perfectly aligned. Click Confirm > Apply.
5. The stitched image will be loaded to the canvas as a background. Now you can place objects on the background for laser engraving.
4.8.2 Remove Background
To remove the added background, click Remove Background on the main toolbar.