Leveling the Heated Bed makes sure the print sticks to the heated bed.
1. Make sure all the cables are correctly connected, turn on the machine.
2. Level the four corners IN ORDER.
Note: These corners correspond to the numbers on the touchscreen shown in the next step. If there is any mistake during this process, level again starting from the first corner.
3. Level the first corner.
4. Place the calibration card or a piece of A4 paper between the heated bed and the nozzle.
5. Adjust the distance between the heated bed and the nozzle using the Up and Down buttons.
6. Keep adjusting until there is slight resistance on the A4 paper from the nozzle.
7. Tap 2 and follow steps 3-5 to level the second corner. Use the same method to level the third and fourth corners.
8. When all the corners are leveled, tap Save.
Note: You can use the Reset button to reset the calibration to factory default settings when needed.