This guide below will show you how to generate a simple CNC model with Autodesk Fusion 360, and proceed to CNC cutting with your Snapmaker.
If you intend to follow this through, then you will need a cylindrical piece of wood that can be CNC carved, with a minimum diameter of 85 millimeters (mm). Or, you can just practice designing a model in Fusion 360. Happy making!
1. Configuration
1.1 Download the Configuration Files & Tool Libraries.
1.2 Unzip and open the downloaded file. Copy the Fusion folder to Users > Username > AppData > Roaming > Autodesk > CAM 360 > libraries > Local.
Note: This guide is based on Windows. If you’re using macOS, the file path should be:
MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CAM360/libraries/Local
2. Sketch
2.1 Launch Autodesk Fusion 360. In the DESIGN Workspace, click Create Sketch.
2.2 Select the TOP plane.
2.3 Create a circle.
Go to Create > Circle > Center Diameter Circle. Place the center point at the (0,0) coordinates. Put the diameter at 80 mm.
2.4 Add depth to the sketch.
Go to Solid, and click Extrude. Put the depth at 10 mm, and click OK.
2.5 Add text to the sketch.
2.5.1 Click Select and click the top surface.
2.5.2 Go to Solid, and click Create Sketch to create another circle inside the previous one. Put the diameter at 50 mm.
2.5.3 Select the inner circle, and click CREATE > Text.
2.5.4 Type in the text you want to carve, place text below the path, and click OK.
2.5.5 Add depth to the text. Go to Solid > Extrude, select the text, put the Distance at -1 mm, and click OK.
3. CNC Modeling
3.1 Setup
3.1.1 Switch to the Manufacture Workspace. Go to MILLING > SETUP, and click New Setup.
3.1.2 Pivot the model to see if the Z-Axis is facing up. If not, tick Flip Z-Axis on the side panel.
3.1.3 On the side panel, go to Stock, put the Stock Side Offset and Stock Top Offset at 0 mm, and click OK.
3.2 2D Face Contour
3.2.1 Go to 2D and click 2D Contour. On the side panel, go to Tool > Select.
From Local > Snapmaker 2.0 CNC Tool Library, select the 1.5mm flat end mill.
3.2.2 On the side panel, go to Geometry > Contour Selection and select the contour face. Tick the Tabs, and put the Tab Width, Tab Height, and Tab Distance at 3 mm, 1 mm, and 50 mm respectively. Click OK.
3.2.3 On the side panel, go to Passes, tick Multiple Depths, and click OK.
3.3 Text Engraving
3.3.1 Go to 2D > Engrave. On the side panel, click Tool > Select. From Local > Snapmaker Original CNC Tool Library, select the 3.175 V-Bit.
3.3.2 On the side panel, go to Geometry > Contour Selection. Select all the text.
3.3.3 On the side panel, go to Passes, tick Multiple Depths, and click OK.
3.3.4 Go to Actions, click Simulate > Start the Simulation.
3.4 Post Process
3.4.1 Go to Actions > Post Process.
3.4.2 In the drop-down list of Post, click Choose from library. Click Local > Import, select the .cps file in the folder you downloaded in step 1.2.
3.4.3 Select the Generic Snapmaker (Marlin) / snapmaker as the post processor, and click Post and save the file to your output folder.
4. Starting CNC Carving
Copy the saved .cnc file to a USB flash drive, and insert the flash drive to the Controller of your machine. You are now ready to go.