If the machine stops printing and the touchscreen shows “Min Temp Err”, please follow the below steps to troubleshoot.
1. Please connect your machine with a computer and then open the console in Snapmakerjs. Enter the command " M104 S200" in the console and then press "Enter" (please see the attached screenshot below). Can the temperature of the Nozzle reach around 200℃ after a while?
(Please note that if the machine connects with the computer successfully, every time you enter a command, the console will reply an "ok". )
If the nozzle cannot heat up to 200℃, the heating tube may be broken. You can buy a new one on our online store: https://shop.snapmaker.com/collections/parts-accessories/products/heating-tube
2. If the screen cannot show the current temperature of the nozzle and the heated bed, the thermistors of the two parts are broken. You can purchase a new thermistor for the 3D Printing Module on our online store at https://shop.snapmaker.com/collections/parts-accessories/products/thermistor and a new heated bed at https://shop.snapmaker.com/products/heated-bed-with-stickers-3-pieces
3. If the console in Snapmakerjs shows “Thermal Runaway” or “Printer halted”, there are three ways to check the problem.
3.1. The hot end might be broken. Please follow Step 5) of the below FAQ to replace it and try again.
3.2. The pins in the cable and the circuit board might be broken. In this case, you will need to replace it with a new 3D Printing module.
3.3. There might be something wrong with the controller, and you will need to replace it with a new one.
If the problem persists, please fill in the warranty request on our website and contact support@snapmaker.com for assistance.