All Linear Modules can't move.
Possible Causes
- The Linear Modules are not fully recognized.
- The Linear Modules are installed incorrectly.
- TMC Linear Modules and non-TMC Linear Modules are installed in a mixed manner.
- The controller's CAN interface is damaged or a Linear Module has an abnormal CAN signal.
1. Check whether all Linear Modules are connected correctly and whether the cables are loose.
2. If your model is AT series, check whether the Lead of each Linear Module is correct.
- The Lead of the X-Linear Module should be 20mm.
- The Lead of the two Y-Linear Modules should be 20mm.
- The Lead of the two Z-Linear Modules should be 8mm.
3. Please check the About Machine page to see if all linear modules information is complete. If a certain number is 0, you need to focus on checking the relevant Linear Modules.
4. Please follow this video to export the FW and SC logs for further analysis. The logs take a while to export and go to the USB stick.
After following the troubleshooting steps, if you find it difficult to resolve your issue, kindly submit a support ticket through and share your troubleshooting results with some pictures/videos, and the FW and SC logs. You can follow this video to export them.
Our dedicated support team will be more than willing to assist you in resolving the issue.