7.1 Auto Focus Fails
If Auto Focus doesn't go well, the Touchscreen will display Failed.
Possible Causes
- The Laser Module is too high.
- Redo Auto Focus. Tap Failed, slide the scale left to select the leftmost line, and tap Save. After the screen goes back to the APP List Screen, tap Calibration to redo auto focus. If the problem persists, repeat the steps until Auto Focus succeeds.
- Change the Laser Height On the Touchscreen, tap Failed > Settings > Laser > Adjust Laser Height. Set the Laser Height to 23.0 mm and then redo auto focus. If the Touchscreen keeps showing Failed, and several lines fail to be burnt out, lower the laser height (to 21.5 mm or 19 mm, for example), and try again.
7.2 Camera Capture Does not Work
If the image is not fully processed, it indicates that camera capture is not working properly.
Possible Causes
- Your Snapmaker Luban is running the old version.
- You are not using camera capture correctly.
- Download the latest version of Snapmaker Luban from https://snapmaker.com/product/snapmaker-2/downloads.
- To manually adjust the calibration result, see 4.3.2 Calibrate the Camera: Manually Adjust the Calibration Result.
- If the camera capture feature still doesn't work, please find the images generated by the camera through the following path. Export them to your USB drive, and send them to support@snapmaker.com for further investigation.
- Windows OS: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\snapmaker-luban\Tmp
- macOS: /Users/admin/Library/Application\ Support/snapmaker-luban/Tmp
Replace admin with your username.
7.3 Laser Is Discontinuous or Weak
The Laser Module emits weak light and does not engrave at its full power, and therefore the module can't finish Auto Focus.
Possible Causes
- The Enclosure's door is open during Auto Focus.
- The Laser Module is too high during Auto Focus.
- The Laser Module is broken.
- Either close the Enclosure's doors or go to Enclosure > Settings to disable the Door Detection feature.
Wear the Laser Safety Goggles when the door is open.
- Change the Laser Height manually. On the Touchscreen, tap Settings > Laser > Adjust Laser Height. Set the Laser Height to 0 mm and then redo Auto Focus. If the Touchscreen keeps showing Failed, and several lines fail to be burnt out, lower the Laser Height (to 21.5 mm or 19 mm, for example), and try again.
- If the problem persists after you have tried the options above, and your built-in camera can not find the finest line while auto focusing (see picture below), then the Laser Module should be replaced.
7.4 Laser Will not Burn Material When Enclosure Is Used
Possible Cause
- The door of the Enclosure is open when the Laser Module is working.
Close the enclosure doors before you start to use the Laser Module. Or, if you need the door open when using the Laser Module, turn off the Door Detection feature. On the Touchscreen, tap Enclosure > Settings > Door Detection.
Wear the Laser Safety Goggles when the door is open.