Please follow these steps for troubleshooting:
1. Change the Laser Engraving Module to the CNC Carving Module and see if it can work properly. If the CNC Carving Module can't work properly either, please fill in the warranty request on our website and contact for assistance. If the CNC Carving Module works properly, please change it back to the Laser Engraving Module and go to Step 2.
2. Make sure the four corners of the material are fixed properly on the Engraving & Carving Platform and try again.
3. Make sure you set the work origin correctly according to the User Manual. Please set the power to 70% and click Set and Save on Snapmakerjs. Turn on the laser again and check if it can burn the material. Wood is suggested when testing the laser.
4. Please check if the fan inside the module could work properly, fill in the warranty request and upload as much information as you have.